About us
The Federal Administrative Court has its seat in Vienna and branches in Graz, Innsbruck and Linz. With a total of about 600 employees, the Federal Administrative Court is the largest court in Austria.
It consists of the President, the Vice-President, the judges and non-judicial staff members. President, Vice-President and the judges are appointed by the Federal President of the Republic of Austria acting on a proposal by the federal government.
Organization chart
Barrier freedom of the website
Statement on barrier freedom
The Federal Administrative Court strives to make access to all website content barrier-free, in alignment with the specifications according to the Web Accessibility Act - WZG[1] (Federal Law Gazette I No. 59/2019). Our aim is to ensure that the website is as accessible and easy to use as possible. To this end, it is readily intelligible, easy to use, understandable and robustly designed and constructed (§ 3 Para. 1 WZG).
Feedback and contact information
The website’s offerings are continuously evaluated, improved and expanded. If you, as a user of the barrier-free content, discover deficiencies in compliance with the accessibility requirements (according to the Web Accessibility Act), you are welcome to contact the communication department in writing at kommunikation@bvwg.gv.at with your concern. We will then contact you if necessary and arrange for any necessary measures to be taken.
Complaints office
The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) has been set up as the complaints office for complaints under the Web Accessibility Act. Further information on the complaints procedure can be found at: www.ffg.at/barrierefreiheit/beschwerdestelle.
Personal and telephone enquiries can be made at the Infopoint in the entrance area of the headquarters of the Federal Administrative Court. The task of the Infopoint is to receive and provide information to complainants regarding pending proceedings or to private persons regarding general enquiries, provided these are not of a legal nature.
Federal Administrative Court, Vienna headquarters |
Erdbergstrasse 192 - 196 |
1030 Vienna |
+43 1 601 49 152259 |
Staff are at the Infopoint on working days between 8am and 1pm. |
On-call telephone service is available till 3pm. |
Bundesverwaltungsgericht |
Erdbergstraße 192-196 |
1030 Wien |
Telephone: 01/60 149-0 |
Fax: +43 1 711 23-889 15 41 |
Email: einlaufstelle@bvwg.gv.at |
Office hours Mondays to Fridays: 08:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. |
Closed on Good Friday, 24 December, 31 December and public holidays. |
Seat in Vienna |
Erdbergstraße 192 - 196 |
1030 Wien |
Vienna Town Town |
Thomas-Klestil-Platz 2 |
1030 Wien |
Branch Linz |
Derfflingerstraße 1 |
4020 Linz |
Branch Graz |
Schlögelgasse 9 |
8010 Graz |
Branch Innsbruck |
Werner-von-Siemens-Straße 7 |
6020 Innsbruck |